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By Juliana Wong

As we were all taught once, and many times, dancing is about learning the steps right, following the beats, and feeling the rhythm.

Salsa is a fast-paced, fun, and energetic dance. Regardless if you have learned L.A. style, New York style, or Cuban style, just stay with your partner, and feel the music. For me, I think that the most important part is feel your partner. Sense how, not what, your partner is leading you. Keep the flow of the rhythm from your lead, and not the music. Connect together; imagine; and even dream about the song and interpret it in your own creative ways. Hence now, is this really what our teachers have taught us?

Do you believe that “Salsa” was just any name? Or is it because of its spicy mixture that brings into our lives? It’s just like the sauce, it comes with a mixture of different ingredients-shimmies, arm or leg work, body rolls, dips, etc. Salsa dancing also mixes into our lives…

Dare, not dream, to look into your partner’s eyes and feel the difference.

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